Wow, the jury is in and the verdict is final! Hilari Bell beat out Stephenie Meyer by a mile and a half, literarily speaking that is!
In tonight's book discussion of JESSICA'S GUIDE TO DATING ON THE DARK SIDE, the book by Ms. Bell was judged (and fairly, I might add most gently to all TWILIGHT fans out there!) to have far more merit, both in content and conceit, than the hallowed Meyer fiction.
If you haven't read this novel yet, get a copy and check out our jury's findings. Frankly, both the hero and the heroine of JESSICA'S GUIDE are far superior to the much vaunted Edward and Bella. There was a 'realness' to them that is soooo missing in the TWILIGHT series (all of which I read and loved, by the way).
I am open to all comment on this topic, but don't get too snippy about it until you've read the competition. I'm telling you, you will like it, and if you don't, well you missed your chance to hate it verbally at tonight's book discussion.
Read on, oh teens of Wyckoff (and anyone else who may be reading this post)!
Just wanted to comment that Cirque du Freak: The Vampire Assistant is coming out on FRIDAY! Yay! I <3 Josh Hutcherson!!!!!:)