Thursday, February 05, 2004

What is the Teen Library Council (TLC)??

The TLC was designed to help the Young Adult Librarian improve library services to teens. So far the group has helped design YA programs and select books for book discussion. Members also have a say in what books, magazines, CDs, and movies the library buys. We meet on the first Wednesday of every month--feel free to join us downstairs from 4:15-5:00 pm.

Recap of TLC meetings:

December 2003 - We got to know eachother a little, picked a name, and talked about possible teen programs.

January 2004 - TLC members looked over Teen Mystery Party scenarios, talked about hosting a Poetry Coffeehouse, and brainstormed about the upcoming book discussion.

February 2004 - The Teen Mystery Party was our main focus; we would like to do this program in May so we chose a scenario. We also briefly discussed the book discussion, this blog, and book review forms.

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