Saturday, October 29, 2011

Jack o' lanterns covered in snow. How lame is this!

Blizzard conditions here and the Library closes at 3:00 today!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Okay, it's been a while, but things have been busy 'round here. Plus, I'm putting my all (or at least some of it) into making the TEEN ROOM of the newly renovated Wyckoff Library the best TEEN ROOM of all!

Trust me, you will be as delighted as I when this is completed, and you will be spending a lot of your free time in that new teen space!

But onto other more pressing matters, Thursday the 3rd of November will be another TEEN WRITERS GROUP meeting at 5:00 - 6:30 PM in the Library, so hone your pencils and get ready to write once more.

Later that same month there is a book discussion of a pretty cool book with a pretty lame name, THE SECRET OF ROVER. There is no dog, btw, in this book and you have to read it to discover the secret. I have books available now for those that wish to attend the Thursday 11/17 meeting from 5:00 - 6:00 here in the library, replete with snacks, o'course.

Friday, October 07, 2011

Okay, I'm making up a word to describe last night's TEEN WRITERS GROUP. 

The new word is wonderfullity.  Yes, that's the word indeed.  Wonderfullity!

Well, I enjoyed it, and I hope my stalwart six attending writers did, too.

Did I mention fabulousity? Oh, yeah, it was that, too.

Thursday, October 06, 2011

Today is the first of this season's TEEN WRITERS GROUP.

At 5:00 PM this evening, a select number of you fine writers out there will assemble, share your work, share some fun, and in general share a memorable hour and half.

If you are not yet registered for this meeting, please know you will be missed if you are not there, and it's not too late to contact me.

Did I mention snacks?

Did I mention hilarity?

Did I mention . . .ah, just come and find out for yourself!