Tuesday, May 24, 2011

In case you have been residing under a rock, HUNGER GAMES by Suzanne Collins, the first of a great series, has been made into a movie that is soon to be released.

My suggestion (being a librarian, of course) is that if you have not read the novel yet, READ IT FIRST, the better to judge how good Hollywood has rendered what I'm sure will be a favorite book.

Enjoy enjoy!

PS: This all sounded snarkier than I had planned, but my intent still stands.

Thursday, May 05, 2011

I'm in the Brandywine Valley in Pennsylvania, enjoying this great corner of the universe and, as always, learning a whole heckuva lot (life is a forever learning experience, my friends).

Did you know Henry Francis Du Pont, one of the DuPont heirs, donated his family estate, a 175 room mansion, to the public while he and his wife moved (or as we say in today's parlance downsized) to a 50 room mansion on the same property so we could enjoy the beauty he created and collected? It's worth a visit.

The grounds are spectacular and as Henry himself would say, it's all about the color, and when you walk through his gardens, color is what you see. Beautiful!

I will tell you more when I return, if you wish to know.


PS: Yeah, I have tons of digi-photos!